Job Search Mobile Application

  • Date: October 7, 2023
  • Categories: UI DesignUX Research

Problem Statement:

A job search platform operates a mobile application that helps job seekers find and apply for job opportunities. However, they have been receiving feedback from users about various issues, including difficulty in finding relevant jobs, a lack of personalized recommendations, and cumbersome application processes. The company aims to enhance the app’s usability and user satisfaction.  


After implementing the redesigned job search mobile app based on extensive UX research, the job search platform observed significant improvements in user satisfaction among job seekers. Users find it easier to discover relevant job opportunities, create profiles, and apply for positions. Personalized job recommendations based on user preferences lead to increased engagement and better matches. Positive user feedback, increased job application rates, and higher user retention indicate a successful redesign, ultimately strengthening the platform’s position in the job search market.